Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Parent's Curse, Part 1

I am going to attempt to do a series.  Given my gaps and shady posting history, it may be a part one that never finds a part 2 or beyond.  BUT this one comes at a good time.

THE CURSE:  I hope you have a kid just like you. 

That's it!! That's all it takes.  You have to say it every 6 months or so to  make sure it sticks but I say it much more often than that so I think I've got it all covered.

Background:  Jackson Brunner, you just got back from camp and you are a royal handful. I think you have hit the beginning stages of puberty and have gotten in touch with your inner butthead.  All's good because this too shall pass but it's this weird, new phase you've entered that prompts this series. 

Continued Cursing:  I cursed both of you kids years ago and continue to provide a curses every now and again to ensure one of them doesn't become obsolete.   You would hate to think al those years of curse planning can go down the pooper simply because you forgot to continue cursing.

BUT HERE IS WHY I want you to have a kid just like you.  Here's the analogy I provided to you, Jackson just last night to illustrate why I ask for some of the things I ask for. 

Me:  I don't get I the shower with you and bathe you anymore, right? 
You: Yeah.
Me: So why should I walk along behind you and pick up your clothes?
You: Good point. 

Just do what has to be come and you will shut your father and I up for possibly ever.  :-)  I say it's worth a shot anyway.  This is one of possibly 1000 or so things we ask of you daily.  More to come as part of the series The Parent's Curse.

Love, Mom

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